Untitled [Notes for Blue], is the debut poetry collection by Renay Pepita.
Secure purchase online here. AUD$19.99 + $5 postage.
ACT - The Book Cow - 47 Jardine Street Kingston
Victoria - Brunswick Bound, 361 Sydney Road, Brunswick
NSW - Berkelouw Books, 70 Norton Street, Leichhardt
Radio Interview - Listen to Renay Pepita read and discuss her poetry here
“Pepita creates a coherent emotional world, streaked with quiet yearning and melancholy...an affective cumulative skein of blue.”
Tug Dumbly, winner Griffith University Josephine Ulrick Poetry Prize, Banjo Patterson Prize & Woorilla Poetry Prize
“Through turquoise doors and into the un-seen shadow moments Pepita leads us, winking on the brink of oblivion, our hand on her purloined heart.”
Ender Baskan, winner Judith Wright Poetry Prize